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Dear Class of '74: With love, from Patti

Preface: We are honored, as always, to share reflections from Patti, one of our lovely classmates and leaders of the Class of '74. Her presentation below will speak for itself, and, perhaps as an intro, this one line from her essay that says it all:

Many years may pass between visits, but the light of friendship never dims!

Love that line! Patti, you still have that writing touch! God bless!

Dear Class of '74,

My Fiftieth High School Reunion

Wow! What do you say when you realize you graduated from high school fifty years ago?

Maybe “I’m old!” Nope, I say “I’m blessed!” And God’s blessings abounded this past weekend as the LaGrange Senior High Class of 1974 celebrated 50 years since we walked that stage to receive our diplomas from our dear ole LSHS!

The weekend started early in the day on Friday as many classmates gathered at the Active Life Center (how fitting) to play games and reminisce about the “good ole days” at LSHS! At the same time, another group was playing the game of golf and doing some more of that reminiscing. Not sure who the actual winners of the games were, but they were all winners! What better game to win than the game of friendship!

Then, later in the day, a large group of classmates and guests gathered at Wild Leap where we told stories (not necessarily completely as they happened just how we remembered them) from the past and shared what life has held for us since that momentous night 50 years ago.

I have no words to express the joy I felt that night seeing so many friends, some that I had not seen in 30, 40, 50 years! You see, we are not just classmates, we are friends for life. Many years may pass between visits, but the light of friendship never dims! From there, it was off to dinner with whatever group you grabbed. I am not sure where everyone ended up. I have seen pictures from Mare Sol. The group I hooked up with went to Pizza Villa, a blast from the past that is still going strong. There we talked a lot of sports with Mike, Shaw, and Terry!

Early on Saturday morning I, along with other committee members, went to Oakfuskee to make sure everything was perfect for the BIG day! As I drove up and saw the “Welcome LSHS Class of 1974” sign with the morning sky over the lake in the background, I literally shook with excitement! What a beautiful venue to celebrate the blessings God has bestowed on the Class of 1974!

Then it was off to LaGrange High School for a tour. We walked through halls that we had walked as sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I think I even spotted my old locker! Then we walked through halls that weren’t around when we were students. Mike Pauley did a wonderful job of leading our tour. He entertained with stories from the past, along with current happenings at the high school. Classmates were especially enthralled by the new athletic facility. We were definitely impressed as Steve, who had brought his basketball, landed a shot in the basket!

We then headed back out to Oakfuskee for a picnic on the back porch and some more “catching up.” I visited with Sandy who is still the sweet friend she was in high school. I chatted with Wanda and Cathy. I enjoyed hearing about Paul’s trips. I talked with Jo and John, cousins from our class. I wish I could name every single person I had the chance to talk with throughout the weekend.

There’s not room here but, trust me, I have not forgotten! You left a mark on my life 50 years ago and another one this past weekend. The love you could feel between classmates was electric!

The 'Night'

And finally, the much-anticipated gala, a celebration of friends who have been blessed to reach a milestone in life, 50 years since we graduated from our dearly beloved LaGrange Senior High School!

It’s 6:00 and guests are arriving at our gorgeous venue on Lake West Point! They walked in to see a building lighted in blue with memorabilia down each side of the foyer. There were old cheerleading outfits, yearbooks, newspaper clippings, Anchor jersey, Interact scrapbook, and so much more. There was even a special poster by Ruth who will have seven grandchildren at LHS next year! Guests received nametags and a wonderful souvenir coaster commemorating our 50th reunion.

The building, decorated with the most gorgeous and unique blue and white flower arrangements from Sweet Pea’s Michelle (an LSHS graduate and sister to one of our classmates), was filled with talking and laughter; it was full of hugs and love! Oh, and shrimp! Chef Tara prepared a beautiful spread starting with a charcuterie table filled with crackers, cheese, nuts, fruit, and shrimp (quite the hit).

We moved outside for a class picture. I didn’t envy our photographer as he tried to get us to stop talking and listen to his instructions. But somehow he did it, and we have a wonderful class picture to remember a perfect night. I am not sure exactly how many classmates were in attendance. 74 (think about that number!) classmates registered but a few were unable to make it for various reasons and we missed them and all the others that were not able to attend. We also had a slideshow memorializing those who are no longer with us on this earth.

The program was a time for honoring special people. We were excited to have some of our teachers join us: Ms. Carpenter, Coach Jackson, Coach and Mrs. Alford, and Mr. and Mrs. Hayes.

And we honored someone really important to our class, someone (as I said in my presentation to him) that for 50 years has made a way, no matter how far we have scattered, for us to come together as the LSHS Class of 1974. That special someone is our class president, Gary Whitfield. I have posted the words of gratitude we expressed to him along with pictures of his gifts, one being a beautiful framed photo by Teresa Scott Houze, LSHS Class of 1973, of the tree that sits on the water behind Oakfuskee.

Then the night was filled with more talking and more laughing. Chef Tara made sure that it was also filled with some of the most delicious food. Two things I have to mention here.

First, Chef Tara, one of the premiere chefs in Lagrange, is the niece of one of our classmates, Diane.

Second, one of our classmates, George, took all the food that was left over to one of our local shelters. After 50 years the Class of 74 is still loving on our community.

Music from the 70’s filled the air and, surprise surprise, we can still dance! For others it was over to the casino tables where they played for funny money! You would have thought there was a million dollars at stake. I understand Melie and Janice know all about those casino games and how to be the big winners!

There were door prizes thanks to donations from LHS, Milliken, and our classmate David who is always so generous to our class. And when I needed a little fresh air there was time on the back porch gazing at the beautiful water and thanking God that He made all this possible!

All too soon the night was over and our classmates were gone. We cleaned up and I went home to ponder the beauty of a perfect night (and rest my aching feet).

But the reunion weekend was not over yet. On Sunday we worshipped with one of our classmates, Rev. Craig Thornton, at his church, Mt. Beulah Baptist Church. What a worship service! The message, the music, the friendship, the welcome from church members … God was truly in our midst!

Finally, there was lunch at the restaurant of one of our classmates, Janice. All I can say about that is if you have not eaten there you need to! The food is sensational, good ole Southern food! There was more love and laughter shared around the table!

And then, it was over. Jeff and I stopped by Oakfuskee to pick up some final items and as I gazed at that “Welcome LSHS Class of 1974” sign one more time, a tear slipped down my face. It was a tear of sadness that all my classmates had now returned home and the weekend was over, but it was a tear of joy that the weekend had been perfect! As I said “I am blessed!”





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