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Jo Wilson Pemberton: Iron Bowl Conflict, and more (Ch. 3, Class of '74 Memoirs)

'Jo Wilson' becomes our distinguished author for Chapter 3 of our Class of '74 Memoirs. We all love the classroom picture attached here of Jo taking a test in class--or, as some of her "loyal" classmates wrote on FB, "Were you praying, Jo?" or "Were you asleep?" Of course, we know that neither of those were the case at all. She was just thinking of what she was going to write in 50 years when she was called upon to tell her life story. Everybody feels your, Jo, but you did great! Being (as I remember) a shy but impressive young lady in high school, I guess it is fitting that her account is not long, but I learned a long time ago that often "less is more," although we'd be glad to read much more. What is most rewarding in reading all of these stories is just hearing each 'voice' and to get to know each of you a little better. Jo's Iron Bowl conflicts must really be something to see, as her lot was to marry a gentleman from a rival high school and a supporter of the most vicious college rival--Conflict at its best, and yet living to tell about it. Thanks, Jo! Hope every one will take time to send your love her way! God bless!~ sb

Chapter 3

My Life Story….


Well, my life may not be considered extremely exciting, but I’ve been truly blessed in many ways. I have so many cherished memories from my time at LaGrange Senior High School. I especially enjoyed the English and History classes, by far my favorites. And, boy, did we have fun in Mrs. Sturdivant’s shorthand class! When I think about the pep rallies and football games of the Class of ’74, it still brings a smile to my face. To all my fellow classmates, thanks for the good times!


Despite attending rival high schools, I married my high school sweetheart, and we’ve celebrated 48 wonderful years together. Our differing loyalties—his Roll Tide allegiance versus my true-blue Auburn Tiger pride—add a spirited rivalry to our lives, especially during the Iron Bowl games. Last year I even threatened to watch the game elsewhere!


Fun times! Through all the ups and downs, we’ve managed to overcome the challenges life brings. 


My most rewarding moments in life have been enjoyed as a mother and grandmother. Our four awesome children—a son and three daughters—have grown into wonderful adults, while our eight grandchildren—two girls and six boys— are just all-around great kids!  I am so proud of each one of them! We are so blessed to be known as PaPa and MeMaw to these awesome grandchildren! They are our world!


After dedicating 25 years to Troup County School System, I retired in 2016. While the job had its challenges and moments of stress, my coworkers became true friends. I really treasure the times I had with Troup County Schools. 


So, while my life hasn’t been full of amazing adventures, the Lord sure has blessed me and my family!


Love all of you,


Linda “Jo” Wilson Pemberton

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